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IO2 Data Driven Ethics


Data Driven Ethics

In this course Data Driven Ethics , you will learn to apply your understanding of the ethical aspects of implementing digital transformation to evaluate how they must be integrated into your (or a) organization's data-driven decision-making processes, fostering responsible data-driven innovation.

Due to the growing interest in data-driven innovation, organisations have employed countless initiatives to benefit from new opportunities using big data and data analytics. As a result of the rise of (big) data analytics, the adoption of data-driven decision-making systems and processes is accelerated even further. Many organisations struggle to benefit from these data-driven innovations. Some are hesitant to act, and others simply lack the knowledge to act on these opportunities. At the same time, data-driven innovation, in particular automated decision-making, is not free of risks. An increasing number of experts warn that the use of (big) data analytics could harm privacy, freedom, democracy and could even increase inequality. To use data-driven decision-making opportunities properly in their (future) work, students and professionals must be equipped with both technical and ethical knowledge and skills regarding responsible data-driven decision making.

This is the second MOOC of the Specialization: Data Driven World.

Course Instructor

Course Staff Image #1

Ralf Kleijkers

Ralf Kleijkers is a lecturer at Saxion University of Applied Sciences. He also holds a position as researcher on the research group Digital Intelligence and Business.

About Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Saxion helps you to prepare for a world that is getting smarter. The world is getting smarter. Every day we see products, services and solutions that were not there yesterday. Saxion believes that people should be central in this process. That is why we prepare our students in various ways for their future role in this dynamic society.

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Creative Commons License

This MOOC is published using the following Creative Commons License: CC-BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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